This "Save the Date" card is to inform all family members of the date and vicinity of the Lindberg Family Reunion. Please circle the date on your calendar and begin, if necessary, to make travel arrangements to attend. We'd love to see you there!
More information to follow.
1 comment:
A few days ago, when Marie Wattleworth (sis) informed us of the Lindberg reunion, she said, "Circle the date," and I did. But I didn't read the attachment - your announcement until just now.
I'm sorry you've only heard from 2. Marie didn't say we were to get back with you, but of course that makes sense. You need to know about how many to plan on.
I retired last summer and we moved from Richfield to Provo in Dec. so we've been busy "settling." So I apologize for the delay in getting to you. We have three kids. The one in NY won't be here till August, school reasons. The one in UT won't know his summer schedule for a while. The one in IL will be moving to UT, and so might be able to come, depending on availability. So right now, it's a pretty definite 2: Pam and Roger Williams.
Last summer our family (Glen/Elna) were in charge of a Williams reunion, which we had at a Provo park. It might be parallel in size to the planned Lindberg one, as the original Williams clan also had 10 children. We've seen the numbers go down yearly. We didn't have many turn out. In fact at a recent Ross Williams funeral, I was amazed at the number that I had never met before. I won't go into the possible reasons for a decline.
On the other hand, the Lindberg reunion has a lot more going for it. One, your wonderful announcement. Two, the possibility of pictures and information of interest to all. Three, the fact that we haven't met as a group for a long time.
Thanks so much for leading out. It may be that some don't know availability for the summer date yet, but you might encourage people to at least say, "Definitely" or "Likely" or "Possibly" or "Can't, am brokenhearted." -so you can get an idea of numbers. At the Williams reunions we all just brought our own food, which made it easier to plan.
Thanks again!
Love, Roger and Pam
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